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Here are some questions from our customers about outsourcing your Meetings and Events to us. We hope you find the answers helpful but if you need to ask us anything else, please get in touch.

Q: What happens to the enquiries once they are received?

A: The Customer Journey explained.....

The Event Hubs customer journey

Q: How will the team communicate with customers?


A: The team will require access to the your event sales emails and we will set up a web based phone line that ideally will be on a divert from the hotel or alternatively that the hotel team can transfer calls through to.

Q: How will the team work with the General Manager on property to drive the MICE Business?

A: A senior member of the team will attend the Weekly revenue/commercial meeting to talk through the new enquiries, business on the books and prospect business to convert and to talk through potential sales opportunities and activity. We will also ensure a status change report is issued each day to keep everyone updated with new enquiries, contracts issued and business converted.

Q: What happens when a team member from the Event Hubs is on annual leave?

A: Our interim support team will cover annual leave taken by the team so you will always have the same resource throughout the contract.

Q: What is the minimum contract period?

A: The contract is a minimum of six months at which point you can terminate the contract with a three month notice period. If you only need us on a short term basis then let's discuss how we can support.

Q: What are the payment terms?

A: As this is a service, payment must be received one month in advance. 

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